Health Management Health Management

Health ManagementHealth Management

Health Management Declaration

Health Management Declaration

Mori Hospitality Corporation is committed to promoting health management as a management strategy to ensure that each and every employee is healthy in mind and body and is motivated to work.
Our goal is not to be a company that is second to none, but to be the "one and only" company. In order to realize our management philosophy, we will master the services that only we can provide and continue to bring joy and excitement to our guests, which will lead to the growth and happiness of the company and our employees. To this end, we declare that we will actively support the maintenance and promotion of good health and strive to create a vibrant and energetic work environment.

Hiroo Mori President and CEO
健康経営優良法人 2024, SPORTS YELL COMPANY 2024

Certified as a "Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (large-enterprise category)" and "Sports Yell Company 2024"

Strategy map (tasks and initiatives) and the promotion structure

Chief Health
Management Officer
Health Management
Promotion Officer
  1. President and CEO
  1. Director and
    Executive Vice President
  1. Health Management Promotion Committee
  2. Health Insurance Society
  1. Safety and Hygiene
  2. Occupational
    Health Physician
  3. Employee Representatives

The President and CEO is responsible for health management and promotes health management from a managerial perspective. In addition, the health management promotion committee will develop various measures to maintain and promote employee health in cooperation with occupational health physician, employee representatives, health insurance society, and the safety and hygiene committee.

Strategy map